Emotional & Spiritual Wellbeing
Assist pensioners in creating personalized strategies to build a balanced life through a holistic approach, enabling them to have a happy life after retirement
Transition to the retirement stage of life is not easy for anybody, regardless the educational background or level of job position in the organization. To have a secure, comfortable, and joyful retirement, your organization needs to prepare a smooth transition for your people.
Being ready to retire is about building multidimensional readiness of the brain to enter a different stage of life. Ready to Retire® is a program that is designed to increase the retirement readiness level to reach a secure threshold of financial, entrepreneurial, physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions.
Key Takeaways from Ready to Retire® Program
Why Bring A Ready to Retire® Program in Your Organization?
Ready to Retire® Program using a brain-focused intervention that has been empirically-proven to successfully enable thousands of professional workers in enjoying the journey of retirement life. Through Ready to Retire® program, Vanaya supports your organization to facilitate:
A smooth talent-out process of your valuable asset: your people
The last meaningful contribution from your organization to those who have dedicated their professional life to your organizational success
A holistic approach on retirement preparation from multidimensional aspects
How to Experience the Ready to Retire® Program?
Ready to Retire® Program is a holistic retirement coaching process to help people make the right retirement decisions that is customized for their individual needs and their family aspirations. Using a holistic approach, Ready to Retire® Program is a comprehensive coaching program that combines Wellness, Wellbeing, Business, Wealth, and Spiritual Coaching.
Since the retirement journey of life will have a significant impact to the whole family, it is suggested that both the employee and the spouse attend the entire program as a couple.
The program will be delivered as a 3-day boot camp that consists of a combination of multiple brain-focused coaching programs to replace worries and fears with excitement and peace.
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